

Umami, a gourmet-hand craft chocolate company is on the way to open its doors to visitors for the first time in Potrero Hill district of San Francisco – 444 De Haro Street.

It is Japan’s largest chocolate manufacturer, and its new location in San Francisco had been designed by Shengpeng Chen. Takashi Murakami, the fascinating owner of the company is very happy and excited to introduce Umami to the entire chocolate lover community. “It’s like a dream come true” said the Japanese owner. The company will feature a café, restaurant, and a retail store with the clear display of sweets and a variety of original items are combined with an easy-to-view, easy-to-buy layout, enhancing the overall accessibility. Visitors can even come to watch the process of sweets being made through the class wall along the “chocolate kitchen”. With the circus design concept, the restaurant will serve authentic Italian cuisine to the neighbor as a new chic yet high-end spot. In addition to that, there will also be a well-equipped demonstration kitchen that opens to those who love and interested in high-end chocolate making as well as culinary art.

The renovation is utterly interesting. The exterior facade upgrades to floor ceiling window that reveals the chocolate store and the restaurant-café on each side of the building. Visitors can easily access to the hub of the building. Stepped into the restaurant and café, the space gives you a sense of nostalgia in a contemporary. The entire space fills with dark tone color flooring and rustic surface wall and pair with colorful contemporary furniture. Most delectable of all, a spectacular suspended ceiling that replicates Umami’s iconic chocolate bar in wood covers the retail store with chocolate. Dripping chocolate from the ceiling and splash-out table containers make the space even interesting.